A list of links relating to each module.  We will be continuously updating this section.



World Wildlife Fund

Calculate your environmental footprint

Earth Overshoot Day

Earth Overshoot Day – the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what earth can regenerate in that year. In 2020, it fell on August 22nd but it changes every year. It used to be much later in the year but due to accelerated use of resources, it’s earlier and earlier each year. The website contains resource material for students and teachers. Why not organise an event around Earth Overshoot Day and join the global movement to ‘Move the day’

National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC) – great source of information on Ireland’s biodiversity. Resources on All Ireland Pollinator Plan, how to create your own plan and other citizen science projects

Environmental Protection Agency

National Parks and Wildlife Service

Marine Institute

Inland Fisheries Ireland

Heritage Council

BirdWatch Ireland

Bat Conservation Ireland

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group

Butterfly Conservation Ireland

Woodlands of Ireland

Irish Peatland Conservation Council

Invasive Species Ireland




Waste – UN Statistics on Marine Pollution

Waste – Focus on Microplastics

According to a United Nations’ report, washing a single synthetic garment can release more than 1900 individual fibres (microplastics) into rivers and oceans.


Humans could consume about 114 plastic microfibers in each meal simply from household dust that settles on their plates.

The Right to Repair

Tech companies are standing in the way of stronger green electronics standards in the US, according to a report (2017).

Apple commits to be 100% carbon neutral by 2030

Biomimicry – How it works


UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment

AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014

Earth’s climate zones

Earth’s surface exhibits numerous climate zones due to differences in physical factors such as angle relative to the sun’s rays, proximity to oceans, and prevailing wind direction. A good description of our various climate zones is given at

The rise and rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide

Scripps Institution of Oceanography operates the observatory on the summit of Mauna Loa, Hawai’i and maintains a live link to that ongoing measurement of CO2 in our atmosphere.

Biome and habitat shifts

A useful resource for beginning to explore specific impacts of a warming climate on ocean habitats and marine resources.

Real-time Climate Data

The University of Maine ‘Climate Reanalyzer’ is a superb online tool enabling users to peruse current and past meteorological data. Students can use this website simply to check the forecast for where they live or (using the tools under ‘Climate Models & Data’) to explore trends in temperature, precipitation, humidity, etc. anywhere in the world.

Places to Visit

Galway National Park City –